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CITY, N.D. ( Five years ago, John Beil and Joe Lunde started the Dick Fiegen Memorial Fund.  A fund established to purchase hams for the Community Christmas Eve Dinner held at St. Catherines Church.

Rayma Fiegen said Dick and I were involved with the dinner for nearly 20 years. John and Joe did fundraising for this project for at least 10 years, on their own, prior to establishing the fund in Dick’s memory.

She said we are asking for your donation to this fund. “This year I would like to ask that you give special attention to John Beil.  John is about doing for others in so many ways.  He has truly given of his time and talent not only for this project but for so many more.  He coordinates the food baskets for the needy and makes sure that those less fortunate in the community have a food basket at Thanksgiving. Money raised through this memorial fund has gone to supply various needs to the Food Pantry as well.  These are just some of the acts of kindness that John is responsible for. If there is a need, John will try to make it happen.”

Fiegen said I would like to request that this year, in addition to Dick’s memory, that we show John just how thankful we are of his efforts.  If you would like to make a donation to this worthwhile endeavor, please mail a check to John Beil, 829 4th St SW, or Rayma Fiegen, 923 7th Ave NW, Valley City ND 58072.  If you would like to give a donation directly to the Community Christmas Eve Dinner you may mail your donation to St. Catherine’s Church, 540 3rd Ave NE, Valley City, ND 58072.

During our Voice of the Valley Show Rayma Fiegen said the holidays can be a lonely time for those who live alone. This is a chance for them to have an evening filled with kindness and cheer.

If you would like to make a donation call John Beil at 845-1797 or Rayma Fiegen at 490-1224.

L to R Johnny Beil hands a $600 check to Colleen Musgrave for the Christmas Eve dinner at St. Katherines and Rayma Fiegen.

L to R Johnny Beil hands a $600 check to Colleen Musgrave for Christmas Eve dinner food held annually at St. Catherines Church in Valley City and Rayma Fiegen.

                                                                L to R Johnny Beil hands a $500 check to JoAnn Korf for the Barnes County Food Pantry and Rayma Fiegen. Photo by Steve Urness.

L to R Johnny Beil hands a $500 check to JoAnn Korf for the Barnes County Food Pantry through the Dick Fiegen Memorial Fund and Rayma Fiegen. Photo by Steve Urness.

South Central Adult Services Executive Director Pat Hansen said volunteers will deliver Christmas 195 baskets to some 155 families in Barnes County during the 2015 Holiday Season. She said the total cost of these baskets was $14,000. Hansen thanked of the volunteers and those in the community for their generous donations. Below are photos of some of the volunteers.

Firefighters volunteer for filling Christmas food baskets.
Valley City Firefighters volunteer to fill Christmas food baskets.

food pantry one