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N.D. ( Last fall when we last left Wilbur Gabel, he had just had open heart surgery right after winning State horseshoe titles in doubles and singles. After a long road back from quadruple bypass, two valves fixed and a chunk of his heart cut out, he is on top of his game again. This last weekend, nine months after surgery he placed first in the Bismarck/Mandan Open Class A Horseshoe Tournament. He also had the top class A ringer game with 31 ringers out of 50 shoes.
Making this weekend even more special, his grandson Noah Gabel (his State doubles championship partner) also placed first in his class. Noah had the top ringer game in class B with 18 ringers out of 50 shoes.
The two, along with two other of Wilbur’s grandsons, one his great grandson, are planning on attending a few more tournaments over the next month or so to tune up for The World Horseshoe Championships in Kansas this July 16-18.
You can follow Wilbur on Facebook under Wilbur Gabel and keep track of his and his grandson’s horseshoe activity.
(Pictured from left to right is Wilbur Gabel and Noah Gabel).