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D.C. (NewsDakota.com) – For the first time, Northern Plains and Dakota Valley Cooperatives have selected a student to send to Washington DC as part of the National Rural Electric Youth Tour essay contest.

Dakota Valley Electric has selected Jayden Conant, a sophomore at Litchville-Marion High School. Northern Plains Electric has selected Cole Christensen. He is home schooled near Courtenay. Both Jayden and Cole will travel to the nation’s capital on June 14th through the 20th. They will meet with legislative representatives and senators, hear keynote speakers and visit Washington’s historic landmarks.

Students that will be high school juniors or seniors next school year can apply for the annual contests. By writing an essay and submitting it, they can be selected to be sent to D.C. This year’s essay was “Many North Dakota electric cooperatives are or will soon celebrate their 75th anniversaries. Describe how rural electric cooperatives have contributed to the quality of life in North Dakota and your local community.”

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