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CITY, N.D. ( Here are the overall champion cattle exhibitors from the annual North Star Classic held December 6-8 at the North Dakota Winter Show Event Center in Valley City. The following information was provided to us by Angie Curtis Events Coordinator of the North Dakota Winter Show.
Top photo Supreme Individual Female in the Open Show – Preston Cargo, Minot, N.D. Bottom photo Supreme Individual Bull in the Open Show – DaKitch Hereford Farms, Ada, M.N.
Above L to R Supreme Pen of Bulls: Chestnut Angus, Pipestone, M.N. and Supreme Pen of Heifers: DaKitch Hereford Farms, Ada, M.N.
L to R Grand Champion Heifer in the Junior Show: Shelby Hennessy, Des Lacs, N.D. and Reserve Champion Heifer in the Junior Show: Katie Myhre, Wahpeton, N.D.
Here are the winners in the market steer and heifer show and overall winners in the market steer and heifer show:
Above L to R Lacey Schmitz: Oakes, N.D. – 1st Place Overall and Paige Janke: Hixton, W.I. – 2nd Place Overall.
Above L to R Rebecca Bauer: Owen, W.I.- 3rd Place Overall and Landra McClellan: Armstrong, I.A.- 4th Place Overall.
The Grand Champion Heifer Exhibitors in the Junior Show were as follows: Commercial: Katie Myhre, Wahpeton, N.D. – this was also the Overall Reserve Champion Heifer in the Junior Show.
Above L to R. Chi: Lynsey Schmitz, Oakes, N.D. and South Devon: Jamie Lyons, New Auburn, W.I.
Lim Flex: Shelby Hennessy, Des Lacs, N.D. – this was also the Overall Grand Champion Heifer in the Junior Show. Mainetainer: Lucas Nord, Wolverton, M.N. – not pictured.
Above L to R Red Angus: Jack Bjorklund, Henning, M.N. and Shorthorn: Damin Hadorn-Papke, Eau Claire, W.I.
Above photo is Shorthorn Plus Heifer, Gavin LaPlant, of Binford, ND he exhibited the Grand Champion Shorthorn Plus Heifer in the Junior Show.
Angus: Matt Purfeerst, Faribault, M.N., Hereford: Preston Cargo, Minot, N.D., Simmental: Kendra Myers, Kathryn, N.D., Sim Influenced: Katie Myhre, Wahpeton, N.D. – not pictured
The Grand Champion Bull Exhibitors in the Junior Show were as follows:
Above L to R Angus: Kaitlin Geyer, Lisbon, N.D. and Hereford: Mason Kitchell, Ada, M.N.
Above, Shorthorn: Aaron Haux, Kindred, N.D. and Heifer Charolais: Whitney Holen, Upham, N.D.
The Grand Champion Heifer Exhibitors in the Junior Show were as follows:
Above L to R Commercial: Katie Myhre, Wahpeton, N.D. – this was also the Overall Reserve Champion Heifer in the Junior Show along with Simmental: Kendra Myers, Kathryn, N.D.
Charolais: Whitney Holen, Upham, N.D., Chi: Lynsey Schmitz, Oakes, N.D. South Devon: Jamie Lyons, New Auburn, W.I.
Above Lim Flex: Shelby Hennessy, Des Lacs, N.D. – this was also the Overall Grand Champion Heifer in the Junior Show.
Red Angus: Jack Bjorklund, Henning, M.N., Mainetainer: Lucas Nord, Wolverton, M.N. – not pictured, Shorthorn: Damin Hadorn-Papke, Eau Claire, W.I., Shorthorn Plus: Casey Nilsson, Mansfield, S.D. – not pictured and Sim Influenced: Katie Myhre, Wahpeton, N.D. – not pictured.
Above L to R Angus: Matt Purfeerst, Faribault, M.N. and Hereford: Preston Cargo, Minot, N.D.
The Grand Champion Heifer Exhibitors in the Open Show:
Above L to R Simmental Heifer: Kendra Myers, Kathryn, N.D. and Maine Heifer: Mitteness Family Angus, Benson, M.N.
Red Angus: Jack Bjorklund, Henning, M.N. Other Breeds/Charolais Composite: Mitteness Family Angus, Henning M.N., Lim Flex: Shelby Hennessy, Des Lacs, N.D., Chi: Landra McClellan, Armstrong, I.A., South Devon: Emilee White, Wadena, M.N.
Galloway: Blegen Galloways, Kindred, N.D. and Hereford: Thomas Friesz, New Salem, N.D.
Charolais: Holen Charolais, Upham, N.D., Sim Angus: Braden Bailey, Towner, N.D., Angus: Chestnut Angus, Pipestone, M.N., Commercial: Katie Myhre, Wahpeton, N.D., Shorthorn: Damin Hadorn-Papke, Shorthorn Plus: Preston Cargo, Minot, N.D. – this was also the Supreme Individual Female in the Open Show.
The Grand Champion Bull Exhibitors in the Open Show as follows:
Above L to R Gelbvieh: Bohrer Ranch, Stanton, N.D. Hereford and DaKitch Hereford Farms, Ada, M.N. – this was also the Supreme Individual Bull in the Open Show
Others included Galloway: Blegen Galloways, Kindred, N.D., Angus: Chestnut Angus, Pipestone, M.N. and Shorthorn: Vogel Shorthorn Farm, Rogers, N.D.
The Grand Champion Heifer Exhibitors in the Open Show were as follows:
Simmental Heifer: Kendra Myers, Kathryn, N.D., Maine Heifer: Mitteness Family Angus, Benson, M.N. and other Breeds/Charolais Composite: Mitteness Family Angus, Henning M.N.
Above L to R Red Angus: Jack Bjorklund, Henning, M.N. and Lim Flex: Shelby Hennessy, Des Lacs, N.D.
Chi: Landra McClellan, Armstrong, I.A., South Devon: Emilee White, Wadena, M.N., Galloway: Blegen Galloways, Kindred, ND, Charolais: Holen Charolais, Upham, N.D.
Sim Angus: Braden Bailey, Towner, N.D.
Above L to R Angus: Chestnut Angus, Pipestone, M.N. and Commercial: Katie Myhre, Wahpeton, N.D.
Hereford: Thomas Friesz, New Salem, N.D., Shorthorn: Damin Hadorn-Papke, Shorthorn Plus: Preston Cargo, Minot, N.D. – this was also the Supreme Individual Female in the Open Show.
The Grand Champion Bull Exhibitors in the Open Show were as follows:
Above L to R Galloway: Blegen Galloways, Kindred, N.D. and Shorthorn: Vogel Shorthorn Farm, Rogers, N.D.
Gelbvieh: Bohrer Ranch, Stanton, N.D., Angus: Chestnut Angus, Pipestone, M.N., Hereford: DaKitch Hereford Farms, Ada, M.N. – this was also the Supreme Individual Bull in the Open Show.
The Grand Champion Heifer Exhibitors in the Open Show were as follows:
Above. Maine Heifer: Mitteness Family Angus, Benson, M.N.
Red Angus: Jack Bjorklund, Henning, M.N., Other Breeds/Charolais Composite: Mitteness Family Angus, Henning M.N., Lim Flex: Shelby Hennessy, Des Lacs, N.D.
Above L to R Chi: Landra McClellan, Armstrong, I.A. and South Devon: Emilee White, Wadena, M.N.
Above L to R Charolais: Holen Charolais, Upham, N.D. and Sim Angus: Bailey Show Cattle, Towner, N.D.
Simmental Heifer: Kendra Myers, Kathryn, N.D., Angus: Chestnut Angus, Pipestone, M.N., Galloway: Blegen Galloways, Kindred, N.D, Hereford: Thomas Friesz, New Salem, N.D., Commercial: Katie Myhre, Wahpeton, N.D.
Above L to R Shorthorn: Damin Hadorn-Papke, Eau Claire, W.I. and Shorthorn Plus: Preston Cargo, Minot, N.D. – this was also the Supreme Individual Female in the Open Show.
A special thank you to Angie Curtis, North Dakota Winter Show Events Center Coordinator for her work with this story.