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N.D. ( – Wet conditions over the past two weeks have delayed the fall harvest of row crops.
With most hunting seasons open, North Dakota hunters are reminded that hunting in unharvested crops is not allowed without a landowner’s permission, including waterfowl hunters driving on land to set up decoys.
To maintain proper landowner-sportsmen relations, hunters are urged to stay off harvested fields in wet conditions.
Unharvested crops include sprouted winter wheat, which is typically planted in September as a no-till crop. A sign of a seeded winter wheat field is rows of green-colored sprouting wheat, or rows of tilled ground 6-12 inches apart indicating planting has taken place. Stubble from the previous crop will still be in the field.
Besides winter wheat, other unharvested crops that hunters need landowner permission to access include more recognizable standing crops like corn, soybeans and sunflowers, in addition to alfalfa, clover and other grasses grown for seed.
The notable exceptions are crops within North Dakota Game and Fish Department PLOTS tracts, which are open to walking hunting access unless they are posted with an orange rectangular sign that states that hunting in the standing crop portion of the tract is not allowed, and standing crops on state wildlife management areas.