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N.D.- Four young adults entered Alford pleas in Southeast District Court in Dickey County last week in connection with a November 2010 assault of an Oakes man.

21-year-old Cody Gentzkow, 20-year-old Taylor Weight and 19-year-old Cole Gentzkow all of LaMoure each entered Alford pleas on Assault and Criminal Conspiracy charges. Each charge is a Class A Misdemeanor. In addition, 19-year-old Michaela Quant of Oakes entered an Alford plea on a charge of Criminal Facilitation, also a Class A Misdemeanor.

Under an Alford plea, a defendant admits that sufficient evidence exists with which the prosecution could likely convince a jury to find the defendant guilty.

Weigh was sentenced to one year in prison, running concurrently to time being served in the LaMoure County jail on unrelated charges. Cody Gentzkow was sentenced to four months in the Stutsman County jail, Cole Gentzkow was ordered to serve 60 days in the Barnes County Jail, and Quandt was ordered to serve 30 days in Richland County Jail which will be served on weekends.

All four individuals were also ordered to pay $2,000 each in restitution, and both Gentzkow’s along with Quandt will be on probation for one year following their prision sentences.

The charges stemmed from an incident on the night of November 27th, 2010 in which 20-year-old Tyler Barber of Oakes was assaulted about a mile south of town. Barber suffered bleeding in the ears, a fractured rib, a concussion, and was left at the scene of the assault before finding a way home.

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