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CITY, N.D. ( The drawdown of Lake Ashtabula to an elevation of 1257 should be finished by the end of March as 500 cubic feet per second is flowing out of the lake and into the Sheyenne River. Pool elevation on March 22 was slightly over 1258 feet. The summer pool elevation is 1266.

Bald Hill Dam Resource Manager Rich Schueneman said the March 21 survey of the upper Sheyenne basin shows there’s about 2 to 4 inches moisture content in the current snow pack. Schueneman said according to the National Weather Service there’s a 50 percent chance the Sheyenne River in Valley City will reach 12.4 feet compared to last weeks forecast of 11.6 feet.
The March 21 flood outlook from the National Weather Service said there’s a low risk of major flooding along the Sheyenne River.
Two websites to monitor inflows, outflows and river levels are listed below and accessible by clicking on the links.