
( – On National Ag Day, USDA Secretary Brooke Rollins said the agency is issuing up to $10 billion directly to ag producers through the Emergency Commodity Assistance Program for the 2024 crop year. ECAP will help agricultural producers mitigate the impacts of increased input costs and falling commodity prices. “Producers are facing higher costs and market uncertainty, and the administration is making sure they get the support they need without delay,” Rollins said. “With clear direction from Congress, USDA has prioritized streamlining the process and accelerating these payments ahead of schedule, ensuring farmers have the resources to manage rising expenses and secure financing for next season.” Authorized by the American Relief Act of 2025, the payments are based on planted and prevented planted crop acres for eligible commodities for the 2024 crop year. FSA will soon send out pre-filled applications. Find out the eligible commodities and payment rates at