
Perch to Go!  The Devils Lake ice fishing season has wrapped for the author as he heads back to the Missouri River for spring walleyes.  This winter’s weather made getting out and finding fish tough. DEO Photo by Mike Peluso.

By Mike Peluso

This will be my final ice fishing report of the season. I’m definitely excited to get back in the boat on the Missouri River near Bismarck to chase spring walleyes. 

The ice on Devils Lake is holding up pretty good considering the up and downs we have had as far as the temperatures are concerned.  I do think however, once that ice starts to go it’s going to go fast. 

The bite has been decent overall for perch and walleyes on Devils Lake lately.  Of course, the days we can get our clients outside hole hopping we do much better. I’m hoping my last few days up here we will be able to do more of that. 

Perch have been showing themselves on the more traditional walleye spots along with the walleyes, and the walleye bite has really turned for the better on Devils Lake in the last week. 

As far as the river is concerned back in Bismarck, it’s going to be game on the very day I get back to town.  Most ramps are clear of ice and guys are out fishing already.  I do have some early April dates available yet if anyone is interested. 

It’s been a long ice season, but over all I thought we had a good year considering the violent weather we have seen all winter.  It seemed everything was always extreme.  This tested us as guides no doubt, but I feel I’m a better fisherman because of it! 

Mike Peluso is a Dakota Edge Outdoors contributing writer and a licensed ND fishing guide specializing in walleyes on the state’s premier waters.