JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Police Department wants to notify Jamestown residents regarding a high risk sex offender who has changed addresses within the city of Jamestown. Michael Ellis Hardaway lives 102 4Ave SE Jamestown, ND.
Hardaway has been assigned a high risk assessment by the North Dakota risk level committee, Office of the Attorney General.
Offense: Sexual Imposition – When Hardaway was 39 years old, he offered the 16-year-old victim some “dope”, but she declined. He took her into his camper and began kissing her while she told him to stop. He touched her chest and vaginal area and took off her pants and digitally penetrated her and eventually had sexual intercourse with her. Conviction Date: 10/14/2015 in Burke County District Court, ND.
Hardaway is not wanted by police at this time and has served the sentence imposed by the court. This notification is meant for public safety and not to increase fear in the community, nor should this information be used to threaten, assault or intimidate the offender. Attempts to harass, intimidate or threaten these offenders or their families, landlords or employers will be turned over for prosecution.
Hardaway is on parole with ND Parole and Probation. More information on registered offenders is available on the Attorney General’s website at www.sexoffender.nd.gov/.