Save the Day! Walleyes are biting better than perch on Devils Lake right now as fluctuating conditions continue to mess with the fishes’ moods. DEO Photo by Mike Peluso.
By Mike Peluso
I wish I had a better Devils Lake ice fishing report for everyone this week. I know since the cold snap we have experienced up here in North Dakota the fishing has become a lot tougher, especially if you want to catch perch.
The walleyes, however, have been saving the day somewhat. It seems like there are certain areas on Devils Lake where the walleyes will cooperate if you’re there too. But it does seem if you catch them on a spot one morning, the next morning it’s tough.
The perch still haven’t bunched up and settled in yet. I feel like they are roaming around the lake in smaller pods at the moment. If you get on top of one of those smaller pods you will catch a few. The problem is that they are on the move and not staying put. The plan of attack should be: drill baby drill!
Top baits right now on the ice for the walleyes remains a buckshot type spoon along with a minnow head or load it up with spikes. If you are trying to coax a perch to eat, your best bet is a small tungsten jig also loaded up with spikes.
I have a few openings in February and March. If you are looking at fishing up here and don’t want the hassle of doing it yourself, get ahold of me and we will see if we can make something work for you!
Mike Peluso is a Dakota Edge Outdoors contributing writer and a licensed ND fishing guide specializing in walleyes on the state’s premier waters.