FARGO, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The League of Women Voters of North Dakota deployed over 60 nonpartisan volunteer
election observers to 48 polling sites across North Dakota on November 5, 2024. Volunteers observed at polling sites in Bismarck, Casselton, Devils Lake, Dickinson, Fargo, Grand Forks, Jamestown, Mandan, Minot, Valley City, Wahpeton, West Fargo, and Williston.
Overall, observers reported smooth voting experiences at the polls. If there was an issue, the League reported it to the election inspector or county election officials who worked quickly and efficiently to resolve the issue on site. The most reported issue was inconsistent offering of set-aside ballots to voters who did not have an acceptable form of ID at the polls. Those most impacted were students, military personnel, recently naturalized US citizens, and voters who recently moved to North Dakota.
“All eligible North Dakota voters have the right to vote a set-aside ballot at the polls,” said Carol Sawicki, LWVND treasurer. “We encourage more education for both poll workers and voters on the option of voting a set-aside ballot, so voters can participate in the election process. The League will continue our work of empowering voters to help them prepare ahead of Election Day.”
According to state law, eligible voters without an acceptable North Dakota ID or proof of address have the right to vote a set-aside ballot at the polls. Their voted ballot is securely set aside, and the voter must present their acceptable ID or supplemental proof of address to the county auditor before the canvassing board meets 13 days after the election for their ballot to be counted.
Observers also reported voters wearing political clothing, voter privacy measures not always available, long wait times at a handful of sites, polling places running out of pre-printed paper ballots or set aside ballot envelopes, the need for additional poll workers to direct voters through the polling site process, and a need for increased education on the assistance voters can receive at the polls, such as for those with vision impairment or who need an interpreter.
Observers also noted enthusiastic voters, friendly and helpful poll workers, and an overall well-run process by election officials. North Dakota voters can trust their elections, and the League offers a huge thank you and appreciation to our hard-working election officials and the poll workers who put themselves forward to serve their communities. An observer reported: “I was very positively impressed with the competence, dedication and kindness of the team of poll workers.”