
(NAFB.com) – The USDA says turkey eggs in incubators in the United States as of October 1, 2024, were down nine percent from October 1 of last year. Eggs in incubators were down two percent from the September 1, 2024, total of 25 million eggs. Turkey poults hatched during September 2024 in the U.S. totaled 20.4 million, down five percent from September 2023. Poults hatched were down one percent from the August 2024 total of 20.7 million poults. The 18.2 million net poults placed in September 2024 in the United States were down five percent from the number placed during the same month a year earlier. Net poult placements were down ten percent from the August 2024 total of 20.1 million. As far as feed options in the future, a 2024-2025 USDA Feed Outlook is for reduced supplies despite an increase in output. Sorghum supplies were raised but offset by lower corn carry-in.