
(NAFB.com) – The October World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates Report says the 2024-2025 corn outlook is for smaller supplies, larger exports, and reduced ending stocks. With supply falling and use rising, ending stocks are cut 58 million bushels to two billion. The season-average corn price received by producers is unchanged at $4.10 a bushel. U.S. soybean production is forecast at 134.4 million tons, down 0.3 million from last month. With lower soybean production partly offset by slightly higher beginning stocks, supplies are lowered by 2 million bushels to 4.9 billion. The season-average soybean price is unchanged at $10.80 a bushel. The outlook for U.S. wheat calls for reduced supplies, larger domestic use, unchanged exports, and lower ending stocks. Projected ending stocks are lowered by 16 million bushels to 812 million, still up 17 percent from the previous year. The season-average farm price for wheat is unchanged at $5.70 a bushel.