
JAMESTOWN, N.D. ( – Several public works projects and equipment purchases are set to move forward following recommendations made by city officials.

During the Thursday, September 26th meeting, the Public Works Committee voted unanimously to recommend the City Council approve purchasing Waterworth software for $10,140, with $5,640 from the Water Fund and $4,500 from the Wastewater Fund.

The committee also recommended the City Council approve plans and specifications for the replacement of equipment at the Water Treatment Plant, specifically the Lime Sludge Filter Presses, and to authorize the advertisement for bids. This motion was made by Councilmember Schloegel and supported by Senior Engineer Hournbuckle from Interstate Engineering.

In another motion, the committee recommended the City Council accept an offer from the City of Valley City to purchase two sanitation trucks—a 2000 Sterling Leach truck and a 2010 Freightliner Rear-Load truck—for $15,000. Proceeds from the sale will go to the Sanitation Fund Equipment Replacement.

Additionally, the committee forwarded without recommendation an item for the City Council’s October 7, 2024 meeting, regarding the approval of a U.S. Hwy 52 Reconstruction project, specifically Section 4(f) Temporary Occupancy, and authorized the City Administrator to sign the letter.