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CITY, N.D. ( Getting the pieces in place for transferring the 9-1-1 dispatch center from the city to the county is a big job.

The Barnes County board of commissioners approved a plan to join Stutsman and Richland Counties in a joint agreement to share the purchase cost of new equipment for the Public Service Answering Point System.

The estimated cost to Barnes County is $151,000 to join with Stutsman and Richland Counties. Another option would have been to join the Red River Regional dispatch center at an estimated cost of $132,000. On a 4 to1 vote the commission approved with Commissioner Phil Leitner voting against the plan.

Meanwhile, the Barnes County board of commissioners unanimously approved of entering into an agreement with Valley City to lease space for the county PSAP and law enforcement center offices from the city at a cost of $15,000 per year pending final approval by both parties.

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