
( – Clean Fuels Alliance America filed a formal petition asking the Environmental Protection Agency to reconsider Renewable Fuel Standard volumes for 2024 and 2025. The agency set biomass-based diesel and overall advanced volumes significantly below the actual production of the fuels, ignoring available data on the rapid build-out of production capacity. The low volumes are discouraging production, sacrificing greenhouse gas emissions reductions, and undercutting the economic benefits intended under the program. “We warned the EPA that the no-growth rule they set would undercut investments, economic opportunities for the industry, and environmental benefits,” says Kurt Kovarik, Vice President of Federal Affairs at Clean Fuels. “We’re now asking the EPA to use the industry’s demonstrated production in 2023 as a baseline and allow additional growth in 2024 and 2025.” Clean Fuels is also asking the agency to set 2024 and 2025 biomass-based diesel volumes to 5.1 billion and 5.6 billion gallons, respectively.