JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Olivia Schloegel is seeking election to the North Dakota Senate to represent
District 12 which encompasses most of Jamestown, Spiritwood, and Courtney in the northeast corner of Stutsman County.
Olivia Schloegel lives in Jamestown and works remotely as a research coordinator for a program connecting university scientists, agency staff, and land managers. Her past employment includes working for the US Geologist Survey as a biologist and for the University of Jamestown and Valley City State University as an adjunct professor. She served three years on the United Way board and is presently a TRAC group fitness instructor, Meals on Wheels volunteer, and Kiwanis member.
“Service learning and leadership experiences have shaped my communication, technical, and collaboration skills. I want to apply these skills to represent and bring resources to our community. I’m ready to work toward practical solutions for accessible childcare, affordable housing, comprehensive healthcare, and resilient food systems” says Schloegel.
“Bagels with Schloegel,” is a candidate meet and greet for Sunday, June 2nd from 10 am-1 pm at Babb’s conference room in Jamestown, the event offers an opportunity to discuss with Olivia Schloegel the issues impacting your life, your family, and your community. More information can be found at schloegelforndsenate.com