
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (CHI MERCY) – The CHI Mercy Auxiliary and the CHI Mercy Foundation are excited to announce they’re still accepting applications for three scholarship opportunities.

Each year, these entities generously give out scholarships to recipients that are enrolled in a Nursing program or in the General Medical field. These funds are provided and raised by Auxiliary members and CHI staff.

To be eligible the below criteria is required: Must be a student seeking to complete their Nursing education or an accredited program in a healthcare related field. This could include technician programs, certificates, or 2-4 year degrees.

For the Auxiliary scholarship, first consideration will be given to current Hospital or Auxiliary family members living in Barnes County, ND. If there are no applicants that fit this criteria the next eligible will be students in the community. The CHI Mercy Foundation scholarship has no first consideration criteria.

The application is available online at: If you need assistance with the application process please contact Kayla Beilke at 701-845-6486 or email

The deadline for all 3 applications is April 8, 2024 at 4:00 PM. Please send applications directly to Kayla Beilke via email or drop them off at the front desk of CHI Mercy Hospital with the applicant’s name attached.

The CHI Mercy Health Auxiliary is a volunteer organization devoted to supporting the hospital and the community it serves. The CHI Mercy Foundation is dedicated to assisting the hospital with funding capital projects and program needs. If you would like to become a CHI Mercy Auxiliary member or are interested in helping out Foundation efforts, please contact Kayla Beilke at 701-845-6486 or email