
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – I hope you have been enjoying this stretch of nice weather with which we have been Blessed.  Please try to drain water where possible to prevent some of the icing.

This is legitimate!  Moore Engineering,  as per the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality, will be surveying us concerning our water service line materials.  Within the next few weeks we will be receiving postcards explaining the survey.  We will be directed to access the survey through the QR code or website.

Valley City Public Schools hosted about 14 teams for a Robotics Tournament. The robots these teams build are amazing, congratulations to all and thank you for visiting Valley City.

Last week at VCSU there was a very nice breakfast for the VCSU Facilities Services and the Valley City Electrical Departments. The event was recognizing the collaboration of VCSU and the city during emergencies and other times of need.  Great job everyone.

Giving Hearts Day is February 8th.  It is a great opportunity to maximize your charitable giving as many charities have matching fund agreements available when donations are made during the specified time.  Research your favorite charities to see how you can maximize your gifts.

Near the end of February, delegates representing Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) and American Public Power Association (APPA), will be in Washington DC visiting legislators  concerning “all things power.” Regional transmission, permitting reform and tax exempt financing are a few challenges facing the industry.  As time draws near I will share more information as these issues affect us.

Are you aware of the Chamber Eblast?  The Eblast offers job service, business ads and numerous community activities that could serve your needs.  Please see: https://valleycitychamber.com/


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.”   ~ Edmund Burke                                                                            

Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful, Dave Carlsrud