
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – January 9th is “Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.” Please say “Thank you” to all those who are in law enforcement keeping us safe.  “Thank you” everyone.

Our recent ice storm jogged my memory.  I believe it was February of 1965 or 66 when our NDSSS, now NDSCS, wrestling team came to VCSC, now VCSU, for a dual.  It rained and rained and rained, so similar to the one we had, there was ice everywhere!  Yes, it was an unusual event, but it was also special for this rural kid as we got to stay at the Rudolf Hotel!  The hotel was built in 1907, it is on the National Register of Historic Places and was a pretty “spiffy place” at that time.  “Ah, those were the days.”

Our city employees are doing a great job cleaning the town following the ice storm.  All departments have “teamed up” to make things as safe as possible for us and being most time efficient.

    • During and following the storm, the street department focused on cleaning emergency routes and steeper hills for our safety.
    • There were power outages.  Some were due to the ice melting from Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) transmission lines and arcing.  Outages on our city lines were minimal as our electrical crews continually trim branches threatening power lines.  They were also able to navigate conditions to minimize the length of said outages.  Even with outages, our power was “on” .9927 percent of the time in December.
    • Last Thursday crews began picking up branches on boulevards.  It is a slow process as in many instances, truck drivers need to assist loading branches into the wheel loader buckets.  *You will have to clean the little branches that fall through the forks however.  Office staffers aren’t as visible as those working the streets, but they are busy tracking expenses to apply for cost-share dollars.  We are very Blessed to have a great employee staff serving Valley City.  Thank you.
    • Think of something for which you are grateful today.  Say thanks.”          ~ Rabbi Terry Bookman                                                                            

Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful, Dave Carlsrud mayor of Valley City