
BISMARCK, N.D. – In a statement released December 4th, Governor Doug Burgum Suspends his bid to become the next President of the United States.

“Today, we have made the decision to suspend our campaign for President of the United States. Our decision to run came from a place of caring deeply about every American, and our mission to re-establish trust in American leadership and our institutions of democracy. In community after community, we have witnessed the best of America, and we are deeply grateful to everyone who supported us along the way. Kathryn and I remain committed to fighting for the people who make our Nation so exceptional.”

Gov Doug Burgum

“It began quietly, and it ended quietly.” That’s how UND Political Science Professor Mark Jendrysik summed up the Presidential campaign of North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum. The Governor announced Monday morning he would be suspending the bid for the party nomination. Jendrysik says the move is not surprising, though he does question, why not sooner?

Early in the campaign there was speculation Burgum was using the run as a possible spring board to a cabinet position in the new administration. Jendrysik says that’s a possibility, but.

Through the course of the six-months as a Presidential hopeful, Burgum’s campaign was plagued by low polling numbers which would eventually prevent him from taking part in candidate debates. Burgum calls the rule, RNC Clubhouse requirements.