
( – The Energy Information Administration says ethanol output fell to a three-week low while inventories also declined during the week ending on October 6. Ethanol production dropped an average of 1.004 million barrels a day. The EIA report says that’s down from 1.009 million barrels a week earlier and the lowest output since September 15. The Midwest, by far the biggest ethanol-producing region in the country, saw production drop to an average of 950,000 barrels a day from the previous week of 956,000. Gulf Coast output fell to 20,000 barrels a day from 23,000 the prior week. That was the bulk of the losses during the week as West Coast production was unchanged at 10,000 barrels a day, while East Coast output rose to an average of 10,000 barrels a day from 6,000 during the prior week. Rocky Mountain production rose to 14,000 barrels a day. Inventory dropped to 21.52 million barrels.