BISMARCK, N.D. (NDAC) – Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring announced the availability of the Agriculture Infrastructure Grant Program after its creation by the 68th Legislative Assembly earlier this year. The program was established to award grants to political subdivisions for road and bridge improvements, and to political subdivisions or entities for utility improvements necessary to accommodate value-added agriculture businesses.
“Value-added agriculture businesses that generate economic returns and support the agriculture-based prosperity of a region or sector of the state are encouraged to partner with their local political subdivisions to submit proposals,” Goehring said. “Grants can be used to improve road, bridge and/or utility infrastructure for value-added agriculture facilities.”
Under the new law, political subdivisions may get grant funding for up to 80% of the project cost for:
- Road and bridge improvements, in consultation with the director of the North Dakota Department of Transportation, such as corridor improvements on county and township roadways, and improvements to roads and bridges that provide access to value-added businesses
- Capital (utility) improvements such as water and sewer line improvements, electrical and gas supply, and improvements necessary to accommodate value-added agriculture business.
Interested parties may contact Ag Development Specialist Madison Bodine at 701-955-0181 or mbodine@nd.gov for more information or visit https://www.ndda.nd.gov/agriculture-infrastructure-grant-program.