Valley City Trap Club News
June 27, 2023
Submitted by Lewis Legge
With no serious weather on the horizon, we were back at it Tuesday evening. Great turn out. Thank you everybody! As I mentioned last week, we canceled due to hasty weather so I’ll extend the league completion date another week. I bet the faithful followers of my articles thought I was just being lazy and shirking my duties. But with no shooting, no new scores so nothing to report. Well, maybe a little lazy.
We are also going to be open Friday nights to see if there’s an interest or to make it more convenient for people. Same times. Give it a go.
High skeet was Eric Ingstad with a 25. Johnson had 18 of 5-stand and Ethan Bear and Eric Ingstad shared 25’s on trap. Well done guys.
Standings are: Fab 5-372, Big Country Grapple-370, R. C. Welding-318, Claire’s Crew-244, Valley Meat-218, and Smith Lumber-165. Shoot well.
The Author of your weekly Valley City Trap and Skeet Club report Lewis Legge!