(NewsDakota.com/NAFB) – During a Senate Agriculture Subcommittee hearing Tuesday, a sorghum farmer told lawmakers farmers need a stronger farm safety net.
National Sorghum Producers’ Past Chairman, Kody Carson of Texas told lawmakers, “Right now, the farm safety net is not adequate.” Carson also reaffirmed support for crop insurance, adding, “the tool has been absolutely critical in helping us manage the ongoing drought conditions decimating the Sorghum Belt.”
Meanwhile, American Soybean Association Secretary Caleb Ragland of Kentucky called crop insurance the most effective and important component of farm policy for soybean farmers. Ragland says that without crop insurance, “the risk would be more than many farmers and lenders could stand—it certainly would be for me,” while calling for improvements to the Title I farm safety net for soybeans. And National Corn Growers Association First Vice President Harold Wolle told the committee NCGA supports increasing the affordability of crop insurance coverage. Wolle adds, “The individual costs of purchasing coverage can discourage higher levels of coverage.”