
JAMESTOWN, N.D. ( – North Dakota Farmers Union welcomed an emergency waiver allowing summertime sales of E15 (gasoline with 15 percent ethanol), effective today. The action was taken by EPA to increase the nation’s fuel supply given the challenges from the ongoing war in Ukraine.

“President Biden’s decision acknowledges the important role of agriculture and renewable fuels in our nation’s energy security,” said North Dakota Farmers Union President Mark Watne. “Farmers want to do their part in reducing our dependence on foreign oil. One way to do that is to reduce the barriers to offering a variety of ethanol blends at the pump, like E15, which can help consumers save money. The decision also provides certainty for ethanol producers and retailers, and offers consumers a cheaper homegrown fuel throughout the year.”

According to EPA, roughly two-thirds of the country is typically prohibited from selling E15 at terminals beginning May 1. The 1-psi Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) waiver will enable E15 sales throughout the summer driving season in specific geographical areas. In making the emergency waiver announcement, EPA said it does not expect any impact on air quality or a significant impact on emissions from cars and trucks.

“In the long term, we will continue to advocate for the permanent elimination of the summertime E15 ban to provide retailers and consumers more certainty,” Watne said. “We also urge the administration and Congress to reduce barriers to mid-level blends of ethanol, like E30, which provide even better efficiency, emissions reduction, and octane benefits. We need to make sure consumers have the option to buy higher-level blends.”