
JAMESTOWN, ND. (NewsDakota.com) – Jamestown Public School students are preparing to take the stage at the Jamestown High School Theater for another exciting concert.

The Music Blooms Concert is set for April 20th at 7 PM inside the JHS Theater. Music Booster President Elsie Motter joined Jarin on Let’s Talk About It to discuss the event, as well as what the music boosters do, and raising money for the trip to Hawaii for the music program in December.

Tickets are $5 for students and $10 for adults with opportunities to purchase things in the commons before and after the concert.

The Jamestown High School choir and band will represent North Dakota in December in Hawaii as part of a Pearl Harbor Event. Money made from the concert will help to lessen the cost of the trip for all students.

Full interview with JPS Music Booster President Elsie Motter

Stay up to date with the  Jamestown Public Schools Music Booster’s on their Facebook page.