
BISMARCK, N.D. ( – Session is half way over! Here’s a re-cap on how the first half went.

I am the prime sponsor on 4 bills, and the co-sponsor on 34 bills. So far we have voted on 512 bills on the house side, passing 378 of them, and are waiting to vote on 307 after crossover from the senate. Session has the maximum of 80 legislative days, and currently we are on day 34.

My 3 bills that have passed the house are building off what I campaigned on:

1.To be a champion for parents. 2. To protect a person’s fundamental rights, And 3. To combat the weaponization of the federal government against the American people.

These bills are HB 1362, passed 50-42, HB 1361, passed 86-7, and HB 1334, passed 84-9.

I’ve carried 14 bills out of committee on the floor, and have been involved with drafting amendments on my bills, as well as many of the 34 bills I’m a co-sponsor on. There’s dozens of meetings, conventions, and events that take up the majority of my time outside of session. I’m sticking to my principles, I’m championing conservative values, and pushing for a fiscally responsible, limited government.

Stay warm, stay safe, and have a blessed week.

Rep. Cole Christensen serves on the House Judiciary and Transportation committees.

Rep. Dwight Keifert serves on the House Human services and Agriculture committees.

Senator Mike Wobbema serves on the Education committee and Chairs the Workforce Development committee.

District 24 Legislative Meet and Greet Schedule.

Saturday, March 25th at the Enderlin Inn Conference room from 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM.

Saturday, April 1st in the Valley City High School Cafeteria from 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM.

District 24 State Senator Mike Wobbema along with Representative’s Cole Christiansen and Dwight Kiefert will field questions from the audience concerning bills of interest during the 2023 legislative session during the Meet and Greet session.