
VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – Jefferson Elementary School is excited to welcome the 2023-2024 Kindergarten Hi-Liners into our school for an authentic school experience.

Jefferson School Principal Becky Goven said we are trying something slightly different in that the kindergarten registration/screening that had taken place in the early evening hours the last few years will now take place during the school day between the hours of 9:00am and 11:00am on either March 9th or 10th. She said the goal of this new approach is to familiarize students and staff with each other, as well as to give families a chance to gather information and ask any questions that they might have.

Goven said as the deadline for signing our future Hi-Liners up for this new adventure quickly approaches I would encourage families to call 845-0622 to get your child registered today. We can’t wait to meet you! It’s always a great day to be a Hi-Liner!

Becky Goven, Jefferson School Principal