BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) – Amid a national wave of attempted book banning on LGBTQ subject matter, a North Dakota House panel heard arguments on a bill that would prohibit “sexually explicit” content – including depictions of sexual or gender identity – from public libraries, and would criminalize librarians who continue to display it.
Supporters of the bill said the measure would preserve children’s innocence and reduce their exposure to pornography. Opponents said the bill would allow government censorship of material that is not actually obscene.
The state House Judiciary Committee heard arguments but did not take a vote on the measure, which applies to visual depictions of “sexually explicit” content and proposes up to 30 days imprisonment for librarians who refuse to remove the offending books.
Valley City Barnes County Public Library Director Anita Tulp believes the bill is a violation of free speech.
Books containing “sexually explicit” content — including depictions of sexual or gender identity — would be banned from North Dakota public libraries under the legislation being considered by state lawmakers.