JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The canvassing board will be meeting Monday, Nov. 21 at the Stutsman County Courthouse to certify the results of the 2022 General Election.
Stutsman County Auditor Jessica Alonge requested the commission to approve the canvassing members.
Stutsman County Commission Chair Mark Klose was asked to be part of the canvassing board. The commission unanimously approved.
Alonge then gave an update on how the election went in Stutsman County, starting first with the temporary ramp installed in Medina at the American Legion for the Nov. 8 polling location. The ramp was required for the polling location to meet ADA requirements.
It was stated by supporters of the Medina polling location that they’d like to purchase a permanent ramp at the site in a split between the American Legion and Stutsman County. Alonge says the American Legion was not interested.
Stutsman County Commissioner Steve Cichos pointed out that the temporary ramp purchase will not be approved every election.
Alonge says in the next election, they’ll need to determine their polling locations again. Cichos recommended informing leaders in Medina that it won’t be the county’s intention to make it a permanent structure and there will need to be a ramp installed for it to become a permanent polling site or find a different location.
There were 307 voters who utilized the Medina polling location on Nov 8. Alonge says they had a total 4,552 voters in Stutsman County.
Cost per ballot was not available, but Alonge says they’ll provide the expense report next month once all bills come in for the election.