Director Shauna Kemp joined us to talk about herself and her role at Jamestown Safe Shelter. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Safe Shelter provides services, training, and more for men and women who are affected by domestic abuse and violence.

08/17/21 – Jodi Haugland, Nexus-PATH Family Healing
Jodi Haugland with Nexus-PATH Family Healing was on to talk about their organization and upcoming Foster Parent Inquiry Meeting on August 19th in Jamestown. Visit for more information....

11/19/21 – Local News Update
Jamestown Finance & Legal Approves Franchise Agreements, EZ Wheels Cornhole League Returns, Truck Drop Planned...

02/10/21 – Local News Update
JSDC Continues Monitoring Bills for Area Growth, Nourish Your Body & Mind Series Continues This Month...