Photo: Four Direction Productions
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – A housing developer is interested in utilizing CDBG funding to help address long-term housing within Jamestown.
CDBG, or Community Development Block Grant, is one of the longest-running programs to fund local community development activities with the goal of providing affordable housing, anti-poverty programs, and infrastructure development.
Tyrone Grandstrand is the CEO for Stride Development PBC.
The request follows a recent housing needs assessment that was conducted on behalf of the South Central Dakota Regional Council, which identified a demand for over 4,100 new housing units through 2030 in the area.
Grandstrand says they currently have their sights set on an unspecified property in Jamestown that they would like to redevelop.
He added the property would qualify as slum and/or blight under the CDBG requirements.
Grandstrand informed the Jamestown Finance & Legal Committee that he would like their assistance in applying for the CDBG funding that would be used to purchase the property and conduct remediation or other related costs.
He pointed out they would also work to keep the outside facade of the building intact and “build up” the architecture if allowed to move ahead.
A housing study would also be conducted to determine how many units could be created.
Grandstrand says they would also like to consider future projects with the city of Jamestown to address housing needs.
The committee unanimously voted to give the city approval to work with Stride Development in applying for CDBG dollars.