(NDAgConnection.com) – Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) has been confirmed in Hettinger County. The finding consisted of several plants, and it appears the seeds came from a custom harvest crew from the previous year. It was confirmed as Palmer amaranth by the National Agricultural Genotyping Center. The producer reported the suspect plants, which were then removed and destroyed.
“The Hettinger County finding was quickly found and managed. To help stop the spread of Palmer amaranth, the public is urged to contact and work with their local weed officers and other experts to identify and report any suspect plants,” Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring said. “Farmers using custom harvesters need to ask about their harvesting equipment cleaning procedures to prevent the spread of noxious and invasive weeds.”
Information on noxious and invasive weeds is available here.
To report a suspect plant, go here or contact your local county weed officer.