USAgNet – 09/08/2022
Terry Wolters, NPPC president and owner of Stoney Creek Farms in Pipestone, Minnesota says “Today’s filing of our reply brief to petitioners brings the National Pork Producers Council and the American Farm Bureau Federation one step closer to the Supreme Court hearing our case on how California Proposition 12 violates the U. S. Constitution.
“Ironically, California’s Department of Food and Agriculture also announced today it finally completed the Proposition 12 implementation rules, more than three years after the original statutory deadline. This delay unnecessarily exacerbated pork supply chain disruptions and now creates significant concerns for farmers that these arbitrary regulations put the nation’s pig herd at risk of disease. Any farmers raising pigs that provide pork products to the California market must register and will be required to have California agents inspect their farms, which will create serious biosecurity threats across the country.
“We look forward to presenting our case before the Supreme Court on October 11 to defend the livelihoods of America’s pork producers.”