
Photo provided by U.S. Sen. John Hoeven

CASSELTON, N.D. – Groundbreaking took place at the site of a soybean crushing facility at Casselton, N.D. Wednesday morning. Consolidated Grain and Barge (CGB) Enterprises Inc. and Minnesota Soybean Processors are constructing a soybean processing plant that will be owned and operated by the North Dakota Soybean Processors, LLC. The facility will crush over 42.5 million bushels of soybeans per year to produce soybean meal and soybean oil, creating approximately 60 permanent jobs.

At a ground breaking ceremony for the new soybean crushing plant near Casselton today, Senator John Hoeven stated  “This project will provide a convenient, local market for our soybean producers while at the same time supporting good-paying jobs and economic growth in the region,” said Hoeven. “By further increasing the partnership between the energy and ag industries in North Dakota, it creates another opportunity for farmers to get their product to market while producing soybean byproducts.”