JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Following executive session, the Jamestown City Council moved to direct the city attorney to proceed with authority of up to $25,000 for a separation package with the operations manager.
The council unanimously approved the resolution. Councilmember David Schloegel was not present.
Mayor Dwaine Heinrich was then directed to sign the document pending City Attorney Leo Ryan’s work.
Deputy Auditor Jay Sveum asked the council to consider looking at the department as a whole.
City Administrator Sarah Hellekson says the position oversees two different departments. Sveum says they’d like to decide what would be in the best interest of the city right now.
Mayor Dwaine Heinrich and Councilmember Dan Buchanan both agreed with not hiring an operations manager at this time.
Sveum says they may be able to explore their current roster and see if they can streamline operations. No further decisions were made.