Most N.D. Crops Rating Good to Excellent
Ag Connection – 07/12/2022
Corn condition rated 0% very poor, 1% poor, 20% fair, 70% good, and 9% excellent. Corn silking was 10%, near 7% last year, and ahead of 5% average.
Soybean condition rated 0% very poor, 2% poor, 29% fair, 63% good, and 6% excellent. Soybeans blooming was 22%, behind 30% last year and 28% for the five-year average.
Spring wheat condition rated 0% very poor, 1% poor, 17% fair, 73% good, and 9% excellent. Spring wheat jointed was 79%, behind 95% last year and 96% average. Headed was 38%, well behind 82% last year and 77% average.
Winter wheat condition rated 2% very poor, 4% poor, 13% fair, 67% good, and 14% excellent. Winter wheat headed was 93%, ahead of 88% last year, but near 94% average. Coloring was 28%, well behind 57% last year, and behind 44% average. Mature was 8%, behind 24% last year and 13% average. Harvested was 1%, near 4% last year, and equal to average.
Minnesota Crops mostly Good to Excellent
Corn condition was 1 percent very poor, 4 percent poor, 29 percent fair, 54 percent good, and 12 percent excellent. Soybean blooming was at 22 percent, 10 days behind last year and 5 days behind the 5-year average. Soybean condition was 1 percent very poor, 3 percent poor, 33 percent fair, 53 percent good, and 10 percent excellent.
Oats was 94 percent jointing, 58 percent headed, and 11 percent coloring. Oats condition was 1 percent very poor, 2 percent poor, 33 percent fair, 55 percent good, and 9 percent excellent. Spring wheat was 90 percent jointing and 34 percent headed. Spring wheat condition was 0 percent very poor, 0 percent poor, 31 percent fair, 63 percent good, and 6 percent excellent. Barley was 82 percent jointing and 40 percent headed. Barley condition was 0 percent very poor, 1 percent poor, 43 percent fair, 50 percent good, and 6 percent excellent.
Dry edible beans were 21 percent blooming. Dry edible beans condition was 0 percent very poor, 1 percent poor, 37 percent fair, 53 percent good, and 9 percent excellent. Sunflowers condition was 0 percent very poor, 1 percent poor, 19 percent fair, 74 percent good, and 6 percent excellent. Alfalfa hay first cutting was at 97 percent and second cutting was at 28 percent.
South Dakota Crop Condition:
Corn condition rated 1% very poor, 4% poor, 21% fair, 56% good, and 18% excellent.
Soybean condition rated 2% very poor, 4% poor, 25% fair, 62% good, and 7% excellent. Soybeans blooming was 18%, behind 32% for both last year and the five-year average.
Winter wheat condition rated 3% very poor, 23% poor, 34% fair, 30% good, and 10% excellent. Winter wheat harvested was 10%, near 14% last year and 9% average.
Spring wheat condition rated 2% very poor, 12% poor, 20% fair, 58% good, and 8% excellent. Spring wheat headed was 81%, behind 93% last year and 89% average.