Annual Ride Raises Funds for Suicide Prevention & Awareness, Mosquito Fogging Planned This Week in Jamestown

03/09/22 – Melissa Powers, Dog Obedience Training
Melissa Powers offers dog obedience training every spring and fall with her next class coming up March 17th. Those interested can sign up by contacting the James Valley Career & Tech Center at 701-252-8841...

3/13/20 – Craig Melhaff, 39th El Zagal Fish Fry
Craig Melhoff with the El Zagal Mystics was on the show to talk more about their mission and their 39th annual Fish Fry on Friday, March 20th. The staple event for the club has raised money for...

08/20/21 – Local News Update
Students Go Back To School in Jamestown Thursday, 15th Annual Patriot Guard Ride Saturday...