
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Jamestown Tourism is exploring new ways to broadcast their message and increase visitation of the Buffalo City.

Searle Swedlund is the Executive Director of Jamestown Tourism.

Swedlund says the board is exploring what ways to bring people and keep people in Jamestown. He added one example of strategic planning can be traced to the World’s Largest Buffalo.

He added that the focus of tourism is bringing more visitor dollars to help impact the community, lower taxes, and keep businesses and sites open. While marketing is a large portion of that, Swedlund says the community is just as important in spreading that message and bringing people to Jamestown.

Swedlund says Jamestown Tourism has also started work on a new video project that will be used to market Jamestown in a unique way.

He says the 10 episode, 10 minute vlogs will create a unique view of Jamestown through camping, reservoirs, dining, historic sites, and more will be released in the fall or winter of this year.

He says tapping into the vlog medium for tourism was a different way to tell the story of Jamestown.

You can listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Searle Swedlund below: