(NAFB.com) -The Biden Administration Monday announced the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework.
The White House says the plan is a 21st century economic arrangement designed to tackle 21st-century economic challenges. Those challenges include the digital economy, ensuring secure and resilient supply chains, and major investments in clean energy. The plan will engage partners that facilitate agricultural trade through science-based decision-making and the adoption of sound, transparent regulatory practices.
Agriculture groups welcomed the launch of the framework. U.S. Grains Council President and CEO Ryan LeGrand says the framework “is a new approach to trade negotiations that will hopefully still create the same positive, high-standard outcomes for U.S. farmers.”
American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall says the framework “will help reduce barriers, improve the adoption of science-based standards and grow American agricultural exports.”
Krysta Harden, U.S. Dairy Export Council President and CEO, adds the framework “offers a chance for the United States to have a positive impact on the trading environment in a vital area of the world.”