
VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – Alicia Harstad has accepted the Barnes County ANR Extension agent position. Her start date is Monday, April 25.

Alicia has a B.S. Degree in Crop and Weed Science and a M.S. Degree in Plant Science from NDSU. She currently holds the Stutsman County ANR Extension agent position, a position she has held since 2014. Prior to this, Alicia worked as the Steele County ANR Extension agent. She has 10 years of Extension experience. Harstad worked on a wide range of Extension programming team efforts including palmer amaranth weed education, 4-H 101 videos, Annie’s Project and piloted a Jr. Crop Scout School during her tenure in Stutsman County.

Susan Milender, Barnes County/NDSU Extension Educator said Alicia brings a strong passion for agriculture to Barnes County. Her wide experiences in crops, livestock and 4-H Extension programming will benefit the people of Barnes County.

Harstad lives near Rogers, N.D. with her husband and their child.