
North Dakota Forest Service fire staff uses prescribed burning to mitigate the risk of severe wildland fire by reducing fuels.

BISMARCK, N.D. (G&F) – Outdoor enthusiasts need to be aware of ground conditions while enjoying spring activities.

An increase in human outdoor activity in spring, combined with dead ground vegetation and high winds, make this time of year highly susceptible to wildfires.

Because of highly variable weather patterns, North Dakota experiences a distinct spring fire season every year. With that in mind, it’s important to pay attention to the fire danger index, and to follow the appropriate measures.

Hunters and anglers are urged to keep up with the daily rural fire danger index, issued by the National Weather Service, to alert the public to conditions that may be conducive to accidental starting or spread of fires.

In addition, county governments have the authority to adopt penalties for violations of county restrictions related to burning bans. These restrictions apply regardless of the daily fire danger index and remain in place until each county’s commission rescinds the ban.

Information, including restrictions, on current fire danger indexes is available at