
(NDAGCONNECTION) – North Dakota other spring wheat producers intend to plant 5.20 million acres, down 5% from 2021, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Area planted to durum wheat is expected to total 980,000 acres, up 11% from last year.

Winter wheat acres seeded last fall totaled 100,000 acres, up 11% from last year.

Soybean planted acreage is expected to be 7.00 million acres, down 3% from last year.

Corn planted acreage is expected to be 3.60 million acres, down 12% from 2021.

All hay acreage to be harvested is expected to total 2.30 million acres, up 14% from last year’s acreage.

Canola planted acreage is expected to be a record high 1.76 million acres, up 1% from last year.

Sunflower producers expect to plant 603,000 acres, up 22% from 2021. Oil varieties account for 540,000 acres, up 17% from a year ago. Non-oil varieties made up the balance at 63,000 acres, up 85% from a year ago.

Barley producers intend to plant 740,000 acres, up 28% from last year.

Dry edible bean acreage intentions are estimated at 650,000 acres, down 2% from 2021.

All chickpea planted acreage intentions are estimated at 11,000 acres, down 33% from last year. Large chickpea and small chickpea planting intentions were withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual operations.

Dry edible pea planting intentions are estimated at 340,000 acres, up 33% from last year.

Lentil intentions are estimated at 140,000 acres, up 17% from last year.

Flaxseed planted acreage is expected to total 250,000 acres, up 32% from last year.

Sugarbeet growers expect to plant 226,000 acres, unchanged from last year.

Oat intentions are estimated at 390,000 acres, up 10% from last year.

Estimates in this report are based on a survey conducted during the first two weeks of March