
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Good customer service or superior businesses who continually go above and beyond are recognized through the Jamestown Area Chamber of Commerce.

The Business of the Month Award and Customer Service Award are both monthly awards given to community employees, employers, and businesses who strive to serve Jamestown and the surrounding area as best they can. Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Emily Bivens says those who have experienced great customer service or believe a business stands above the rest should consider nominating them for the recognition.

Bivens added they know great things are happening in the community and these awards are a great way to cast the spotlight where it’s deserved.

Nominations for both awards can be found at jamestownchamber.com at the bottom of the webpage. Business of the Month is then voted on by the Young Professionals of Jamestown (YPJ) each month. Customer Service nominations are overseen and voted on by the Chamber Ambassadors.

In other Chamber business, Bivens says they’re continuing to grow their “Welcome to Jamestown” committee.

Chamber businesses who have recently hired a new employee are welcome to utilize the program. Those who wish to add to the program can contact the chamber at 701-252-4830 or visit jamestownchamber.com

Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Emily Bivens below: