
BISMARCK, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – 27 school districts in North Dakota will have to hire a new auditor to get previous audits certified after the State Auditor questioned the methodology of former school auditor Harold Rotunda earlier this year.

The Valley City Public School District was among those districts served by Rotunda. Superintendent Josh Johnson said we received a notification from the State Auditor’s Office on October 27, 2021, that the Valley City Public School audits from school years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020, conducted by auditor Harold Rotunda, were being rejected due to required work paper documentation not being submitted by Rotunda.

Johnson said the state advised us in the notification to not pay the fees to Mr. Rotunda for both audits. He said the school district is current advertising for audit services for school years 2018-2021 and will bring back proposals to the school board at their next meeting on December 15 at 5:30pm.