VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The following is a news release from What In The World Is Going On?
“Representative Ruth Buffalo, State Representative from District 27 in Fargo and Nick Archuleta, North Dakota United President will be addressing a host of current topics that affect us here in North Dakota.
Representative Buffalo who also is a Native American and an independent consultant and small business owner will discuss the law that was passed in the last legislative session requiring curriculum to be taught on Native American history for K-12 students. She will also discuss the situation in our state related to missing and murdered Native women (and Savanna’s Act).
Lastly Buffalo will review the process of statewide redistricting of legislative districts post 2020 census. This is the process by which new state legislative district boundaries are drawn.
Archuleta has been president of ND United since 2013; he is in charge of the overall governance of the organization. He’s a Valley City High School graduate and completed his undergraduate studies at Valley City State University. ND United is an organization created by the merger of the ND Education Association and the ND Public Employees Association and has 11,500 members.
Archuleta will talk about a topic that the ND Legislature discussed—Critical Race Theory, what it is, and whether it has ever been taught in ND schools. He will also address the issues affecting public education, the importance of supporting ND families and how best that can be done, and topics of the last legislative session which began November 8th.
Both speakers will answer questions on the above topics and related areas.
Current and Pressing ND Issues presentation will be held Thursday, November 18th at 7 pm at the Auditorium of the Valley City State University Rhodes Science Center (on the main floor).
The presentation is sponsored by What in the World Is Going On? and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at Valley City State University. What in the World is Going On is a VCSU campus-community group of volunteers organized for the purpose of addressing issues of local, national and international importance. Begun in 2001, this loosely organized group has sponsored speakers, films, panel discussions, and performances on a variety of local, regional and national topics. If you have an idea for a presentation call 845-7321.