
Greg Endres (Photo: NDSU Extension Service)

CARRINGTON, N.D. ( – North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension agents and specialists were honored for their work during the National Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACAA) 2021 Virtual Conference.

Among those recognized and honored for their work was Gregory Endres with the Carrington Research Extension Center.

Endres was a national finalist for his publication titled, “Soybean response to planting rates and row spacings in North Dakota.” Others involved in the publication are Hans Kandel, Extension agronomist; Peder Schmitz, graduate research assistant; Eric Eriksmoen, North Central Research Extension Center research agronomist; Gautam Pradhan, Williston Research Extension Center dryland research agronomist; and John Rickertsen, Hettinger Research Extension Center specialist.

Endres was also honored for his efforts at the 2020 NACAA Virtual Conference for his publication titled, “Black and navy bean – response to row spacing and plant population in eastern North Dakota.”

Others involved in the publication are Kandel; Mike Ostlie, CREC research agronomist; Blaine Schatz, former CREC director and current North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station assistant director; and Ryan Buetow, Extension cropping systems specialist at the Dickinson Research Extension Center.