
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Spiritwood Energy Park Association (SEPA) member representatives received a project update Wednesday afternoon.

SEPA COO Connie Ova says they had ADM Vice President Mike Keller give a project update at the Jamestown Chamber Ag/Energy Luncheon on October 19th.

In other project updates, Ova stated a meeting earlier this week with the Department of Transportation provided an update on current activity involving the roads surrounding the energy park.

Ova says once the assessment is complete, they’ll reconvene to discuss the next steps. She added she was disappointed in the cost and time period that was provided.

She added some Barnes County Legislators have also expressed concerns about their roads.

Jamestown Stutsman Development Corporation (JSDC) Business Manager Corry Shevlin also provided an update on the Houweling’s Tomatoes greenhouse project.

Jeff Zueger, Chief Executive Officer for Midwest AgEnergy Group, says he continues to discuss next steps with Casey Houweling, owner of Houweling’s Tomatoes.

The greenhouse has a goal to begin construction in the summer of 2022.

Zueger also provided an update on the seismic survey which continues to test and study the feasibility of possible carbon capture and storage at the Spiritwood Energy Park.

Zueger added they are not conducting any capture at this time.

The survey was delayed due to rural water lines being located within 300 feet of the testing. So officials had to wait for most harvest to be done before starting. Zueger estimates they’ll be finished by this week with testing.